
About Me

Name: MA Guang 馬光Nationality: Chinese
Gender: MaleDate of Birth: 1985
Email: Academia, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo
Address: School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Ji’nan, China

Professional Experience

  • Aug. 2022, Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Macao Polytechnic University
  • Sept. 2019–Aug. 2022, Professor, School of History and Culture, Shandong University
  • Dec. 2016–Aug. 2019, Associate researcher, School of History and Culture, Shandong University


  • Oct. 2012–Oct, 2016, PhD, Ghent University & University of Salzburg
  • 2010–2012, PhD student, University of Macau, China
  • 2008–Nov. 2010, M.A., University of Macau, China
  • 2004–Jul. 2008, B.A. , Lanzhou University, China

Main focus of research

  • East Asian maritime history during the Yuan-Ming transition
  • History of Macao and Opium history in modern China


Rupture, Evolution, and Continuity: The Shandong Peninsula in East Asian Maritime History During the Yuan-Ming Transition. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021 (Introduction)
…………——Guotong Li, book review, The Chinese Historical Review, 29:2 (2022)
…………——Xing Hang, book review, Journal of Chinese History, 7:1 (2023)
…………——Kenneth Swope, book review, International Journal of Asian Studies, 21:1 (2024)
…………——Li Yiwen, book review, Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, 52 (2023)
…………——Daniel Knorr, book review, China and Asia, 5:1 (2023)
…………——Zhongqi Sun, book review, Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 41:3 (2022)
…………——Weichung Cheng, book review, Chinese Studies, 41:2 (2023)
…………——Zhongqi Sun, book review, Journal of Maritime History Studies, 1 (2023)

Papers (in English)

  • “Re-evaluating the Wokou Problem in East Asia During the 1220s and 1390s from the Perspective of Environmental History”, Journal of Asian History (A&HCI), Vol. 54, No. 2, 2020, pp. 261-280. [full-text]
  • “Tributary Ceremony and National Security: A Reassessment of Wokou Diplomacy between China and Japan in the early Ming Dynasty”, Journal of Asian History (A&HCI), Vol. 51, No. 1, 2017, pp. 27-54. [full-text]
  • “The Shandong Peninsula in Northeast Asian Maritime History during the Yuan-Ming Transition”, Crossroads – Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World (peer reviewed journal), Vol. 11, 2015, pp. 63-83. [full-text]
  • Wokou Raiding Activities and the Coastal Defence System of Shandong in the early Ming Dynasty”, National Maritime Research, Vol. 11, 2015, pp. 73-108. [full-text]

Papers (in Chinese)

  • “Evolution, Gradation and Inheritance: An Examination of the Yuan-Ming Transition from the Perspective of Northern Ocean History of China”, Journal of Chinese Historical Studies (CSSCI), No. 2, 2024, pp. 154-172. [full-text]
  • “New Perspectives in Atlantic Studies”, Chinese Social Sciences Today, 01/11/2023, A7. [full-text]
  • “Reexploring the Issue of Import Substitution in Modern China: A Case Study of the Conflict Between Native and Foreign Opium in Guangdong”, Journal of Historical Science, No. 2, 2024, pp. 48-64. [full-text]
  • Robert J. Antony; MA Guang, “Latest Trends in English-language Research on China’s Maritime History”, Journal of Maritime History Studies, No. 3, 2023, pp. 1-9. [full-text]
  • “Social Scene of Modern Chinese Macao in the Eyes of European and American Travelers”, International Sinology, No. 4, 2022, pp. 93-100. [full-text]
    “New Vision of Research on Japanese Piracy Problem and ‘Wokou Diplomacy’ during the Period of the Late Yuan and the Early Ming in East Asia”, Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China, No. 2, 2020, pp. 47-52. [full-text]
  • “Beyond Tributary Trade: Korean Tributary Missions and Their Private Trade in Ming China”, Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 3, 2020, pp. 134–143. [full-text]
  • “New Analysis on Zhao Zhi as Envoy to Japan in Early Ming Dynasty”, Jianghai Academic Journal, No. 2, 2020, pp. 173–183. [full-text]
  • “The Sino-Japanese Relations during the Hongwu Emperor’s Reign (1368–1398)”, Journal of Literature, History & Philosophy, Iss. 5, 2019, pp. 41–55. [full-text]
    ——Reprinted by the History and Society, Vol. 4, 2019.
    ——Reprinted by the New China Abstracts (Xinhua wenzhai), Vol. 6, 2020.
    ——Reprinted by the History of Ming and Qing Dynasties, China Social Science Excellence, Vol. 1, 2020.
  • “Open Market, Natural Disasters, Climate Change, and the Wokou in Yuan China”, Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (CSSCI), Vol. 5, 2018, pp. 61–73. [full-text]
    ——Reprinted by the China University Academic Abstracts, Vol. 6, 2018.
    ——Reprinted by the New China Abstracts (Xinhua wenzhai), Vol. 24, 2018.
    ——Reprinted by the History of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, China Social Science Excellence, Vol. 1, 2019.
  • Wokou Problems and the Established Time of Coastal Guards and Battalions in Early Ming Shandong”, Academic Research (CSSCI), Vol. 4, 2018, pp. 124–132. [full-text]
  • “Pirates, Wokou and Coastal Defense in Shandong in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties”, Studies in Maritime History (CSSCI), Vol. 9, 2016, pp. 282-325. [full-text]
  • “Smuggling and Anti-Smuggling in the Pearl River Delta of China in the Late Qing Dynasty”, Modern Chinese History Studies (CSSCI), Vol. 6, Dec. 2014, pp. 101-123. [full-text]
  • “Monopoly System of Taipa and Coloane and Its Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty”, Haidao huilan, Vol. 6, Jul. 2014, pp. 32-36. [full-text]
  • “The Importation and Taxation of Foreign Opium in Guangdong in the Late Qing and Early Republican China”, National Maritime Research, Vol. 6, 2014, pp. 103-112. [full-text]
  • “The Evolution and Development of Taipa and Coloane Economy”, Macau Studies, Vol. 64, Apr. 2012, pp. 177-189. [full-text]
  • “The History of Lottery Industry before the Revolution of 1911”, second author, in Li Xiangyu, ed.,The Conference Proceedings of the Revolution of 1911 and Macau, Macau: Macau Polytechnic Institute, Apr. 2012, pp. 480-491. [full-text]
  • “The Opium Monopoly, Smoking and Prohibition in Modern Macau”, in Zeng Jun, ed., Literature, History and Sociology: Proceedings of the First International Conference of Literature, History and Sociology in Northeast Asia for Graduate Students, Shanghai University Press, Jan. 2012, pp. 90-97. [full-text]
  • “Ten Pieces of Newly Discovered Historical Materials Relating to Modern Macau History”, Macau History Studies, 10, Nov. 2011, pp. 209-217. [full-text]
  • “Orientalism and Post-colonialism”, Journal of Macau Documentation and Information, Vol. 5, Oct. 2011, pp. 181-188. [full-text]
  • “Review on The Chronicle of Macau”, China Book Business Report, Feb. 2011.
  • “The Opium Monopoly in Macau, 1846–1946”, Macau History Studies, Vol. 9, Nov. 2010, pp. 142-159. [full-text]
  • “Opium Trade, Smuggling and Anti-smuggling in the Pearl River Delta: Case Study of Xinxiang Six Customs Stations, 1866–1899”, Macau Studies, Vol. 55, Dec. 2009, pp. 127-143. [full-text]
  • “Study on the Behavior of Zeng Guofan’s Five Suicides”, the 9th Zhao Lisheng Paper Award in Lanzhou University in Dec. 2005, Journal of Macau Literature and Information, Vol. 1, Nov. 2009, pp. 107-115. [full-text]
  • “Study on Suicides in Wars in Chinese Traditional Society: Case Study on Phenomena of Officials’ Suicides in the Reign of Emperor Xianfeng”, the 11th Zhao Lisheng Paper Award in Lanzhou University in Dec. 2007, Shixue zongheng, Vol. 24, Mar. 2008.

Research projects

  • “The Shandong Peninsula in East Asian Maritime History During the Yuan-Ming Transition”, supported by Fist-Class Discipline Program of Shandong University, Oct. 2018–Dec. 2021, PI
  • “Shandong Maritime History in Global History in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties”, supported by Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Sept. 2018–Dec. 2021, PI
  • “Studies on China’s Maritime History in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties”, supported by Distinguished Young Scholar of Shandong University program, Jul. 2018–Jun. 2023, PI
  • Social Sciences Planned Research Project of Shandong Province, March 2018–Aug. 2021, PI
  • “Shandong Maritime History during the Yuan-Ming Transition from the Perspective of Global History”, supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, May 2017–present, PI
  • “The Shandong Peninsula Maritime History during the Early Ming Dynasty”, supported by Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, April 2017–Sept. 2020, PI


  • 2021.12, second prize for Outstanding Research Achievement in the Social Sciences in Shandong Province
  • 2020.09, second prize for Outstanding Research Achievement in the Social Sciences in Shandong Province
  • 2019.12, second prize for Outstanding Research Achievement in the Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education in Shandong Province
  • 2018.10, second prize for Outstanding Research Achievement in the Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education in Shandong Province
  • 2018.06, third prize for Outstanding Research Achievement in the Social Sciences in Shandong Province.

Update 2022.01.26


《About Me》有23个想法

  1. 对网络上文字的审美疲劳,加上对英文的天生恐惧。

    1. 不好意思,我查了一下,之前也没有收到您的留言呢。估计是小站网络不畅,导致留言失败,万分歉意。

  2. 因为寻找奥地利的博士项目,偶然看到老师的网站,十分佩服。

    1. 您好。十分抱歉呢,国际关系方向的博士项目,我没怎么关注过,所以所知甚少。不过,感兴趣的话,您可以关注下维也纳大学的招生情况。

    1. 您好。目前尚未见到整理过的目录。不过,您可以去这里查看分集目录:http://lib.aks.ac.kr/search/DetailView.ax?cid=198344。

  3. Hello. Do you know anything about the book Fidalgos in the Far East by C.R. Boxer? I’m looking for it for some research, and I found a website with your name mentioned. Thanks.

    1. Yes, I have read this book, which has been translated into Chinese recently. I have a digital copy, and if you need it, please let me know.

      1. I have the Chinese copy, but my Chinese isn’t good enough to read it. I see there’s an English copy on a website in China, but the problem is I can’t seem to download it from that website. Do you have it in English? If you do, I would really appreciate a copy.

  4. 博主您好,请问我老公是在比利时做博后(host agreement),我作为伴侣申请家庭团聚签证过去后可以工作吗~ 还是必须自己申请B工卡?Thanks in advance!


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